Michelle McClain
CLI Director of US Operations and Moyo Administrative Support. Worked with CLI for 17 years bringing proficiencies in international communication and administration.

Nargis Trindade
Administrative Director CLI Malawi for 9 years. Assists in bookkeeping for Moyo on Malawi side.

Richard Mwase-Kamunda
Project Manager Overseeing the agricultural projects on the farm and deploying resources. Been in project management for several years. Prior to private company work was a logistics officer at American Embassy Malawi and Senior Security Investigator.

Alfred Nkhoma
Agricultural Manager of macadamias and coffee. Hired recently from Gala Farms where he oversaw day to day macadamia operations for the past few years.

Laston Nyamula
Macadamia Manager Pruning and posting macadamias while in development and overseeing harvesting when mature. Has been working with macadamias since 1999.