Located on the remains of an abandoned termite mound, the village has literally been built from the ground up. From truly old earth, exposed to serve as the foundation of a community. Sprouting from the rich, red soil of a mountainous area in west central Malawi, the community of Msundwe isn’t wealthy, but it’s rich in spirit.
The soulful culture of the local people inspired a dream in the hearts of a loving Texas family who first came here in 2007. They looked at the red earth and envisioned a thriving and prosperous landscape, where hundreds of villagers would apply their passion for living and deep appreciation of the land to cultivating the countryside. This was the circumstance of faith and courage, the meeting of need and spirit, that gave birth to Child Legacy International’s Sustainable Program Development Model site in Malawi.

A beautiful word with a beautiful translation rises from the red dirt. Hovering above the distinctive Malawian soil is a word you can subtly hear the locals singing along the footpaths. The gentle murmur of the word wafts through the air like a song of growth and hope. Moyo … moyo … moyo.
Simply translated, this word from the local language of Chichewa means “life” or “soul.” In actual use, it has several definitions, including “being manifested by growth” and “a belonging to the soul.”
moyo goods
Child Legacy International has historically been dependent on private donations for operational support, which has been generous and successful. However, continual fundraising can be an arduous task. So the Rogers looked again to the land and an idea took root - which was to grow, harvest and sell native Malawian products.
The net proceeds from this new endeavor will secure Child Legacy International’s future by ensuring that the vision and mission are funded by the efforts of their own labor vs. relying solely on the kindness of donors. This idea became Moyo Goods.
Since 2017, workers at the farm in Msundwe have planted thousands of coffee plants and macadamia trees. Moyo Goods will farm over 18,000 macadamia trees with the purpose to market, sell and distribute the goods produced on the farm to consumers around the globe.
Moyo Goods is organized as a public benefit corporation (PBC); its board members bear a dual responsibility to both the shareholders and to the social impact/public benefit of the organization. Profits from Moyo Goods support operations of the site in Malawi, including the free Msdunwe Child Legacy International Hospital, as well as education programs, and other CLI’s current and future initiatives in multiple countries.

Raise $3.5 million to Finance the Continued Care of Current Macadamia Trees

Provide Security for Existing Plantings

Set Up Dehusking and Drying Facilities to Advance our Product on the Value Chain

Purchase Land and Trees Under Irrigation to Expand Production