Local Participation & Responsibility

About Moyo Goods
Our purpose is to market, sell and distribute the goods produced on our farm in Msundwe, Malawi, to consumers around the globe. The primary product at this time is macadamia nuts, with expansion into other products over the next five years. Moyo Goods is organized as a public benefit corporation (PBC); its board members bear a dual responsibility to both the shareholders and to the social impact/public benefit of the organization. Profits from Moyo Goods support operations of the site in Malawi, including a free hospital and education programs, and CLI’s current and future initiatives in multiple countries.
Directed and founded by husband and wife team Karen and Jeff Rogers, CLI has made great strides to bring opportunity to the people of Africa—breaking the cycle of poverty and helping people help themselves. Realizing that meeting immediate needs was not enough to make real lasting changes, CLI designed, planned and strategically delivered a new approach to humanitarian relief work: the Sustainable Program Development Model. With a foundation of wind and solar energy, the Sustainable Program Development Model can be implemented in remote areas far outside national electricity grids, and it can be replicated anywhere in the world.