our people

Malawi is a small, landlocked country in Sub-Saharan Africa, bordered by Zambia, Tanzania and Mozambique. Over 85% of Malawi’s 17 million people live in rural villages, and as of 2021 it was the third poorest country in the world by GDP per capita.

Most of the people make less than a dollar a day. In the Msundwe district, many of the homes have dirt floors and a plastic tarp up for a roof. Over 47% of Malawian children are stunted from severe malnutrition.

In 2007, Jeff and Karen Rogers moved to rural Malawi in order to replicate Child Legacy International’s Sustainable Program Development Model on a larger scale. The SPDM site at Msundwe has earned national recognition for its unique and effective approach to development, bringing real change to one of the least developed countries in the entire world. In addition to employing over 200 people from the surrounding areas, the site provides thousands of Malawians with access to high-quality health care, agricultural services, education, marketable skills development, and affordable vegetable, fish, and dairy products.

At the farm in Msundwe, we have planted vegetables, trees, coffee and stocked fish ponds with millions of tilapia. Fish, fruit and vegetables from the farm now feed villagers, staff and patients at the free hospital CLI has established in the village. What they cannot eat is sold regularly at local markets. At the CLI hospital, more than 80 Malawian health care professionals help provide critical, life-saving services such as vaccinations, prenatal care, labor and delivery care, screenings, HIV/AIDS education, malaria treatment and minor surgery. With 85% of Malawians having no access to even the most basic health care services, it’s no wonder the country has some of the world’s highest rates of maternal and neonatal mortality, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. We are located in the heart of a remote area where there is no electricity, and we are able to serve tens of thousands of patients every year because the CLI hospital is powered by 100% wind and solar energy.

Since 2017, workers at the Moyo farm in Msundwe have planted thousands of coffee plants and macadamia trees.

moyo goods Guineafowl

our farmers

Moyo’s macadamia trees will be ready for harvest in the next two years. Plans are to sell much of the harvest through the Malawi Macadamia Association or to the highest international bidder. And Moyo Goods has plans to plant many, many more macadamia trees.

About 60 local people (80 during planting and harvesting seasons) work on the farm, planting, cultivating, fertilizing and managing pests for the crops, and netting, feeding and harvesting fish. The farm uses 100% organic practices, permaculture methods and modern irrigation. Many of the workers take the methods learned in their jobs back to the surrounding villages to enrich the harvests in their own communities.



icon of field with rows of dirt

500 Total Acres

icon of three macadamia nuts

30 Hectares Of Macadamias

icon of two coffee beans

3 Hectares Of Coffee

icon of tree

18,000 Macadamia Nut Trees

icon of coffee plant with red berries

8000 Coffee Trees

icon of yellow sun

60 Jobs (80 In Season)

icon of shovel in dirt with green sprout

Planting & Harvesting By Local Residents

icon of leaves and text "100% organic"

All Crops Organically Grown